Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Pete and Repete


We went back into San Antonio today.  Even though it was kind of chilly, it was still a beautiful day.  This time we left Miss Tully Bug at home.  The Alamo was calling my name and this time I wanted to go inside and explore.  Tully was allowed outside the church but not inside.  I explained the situation to her and she was fine staying home with the cats.  She is the boss when she gets to stay home, and she also gets a little bone to chew on so she was fine.

There is a hotel behind the church called Crockett Hotel.  I didn't realize that Davey Crockett and Daniel Boone was such a huge part in the Alamo.  (I just remember John Wayne!)

The buildings around the Alamo are pretty awesome.  There are flags flying everywhere, and it is so nice to be somewhere so patriotic.  I have realized that the state is Texas is like this, and it has been like a breath of fresh air being around all of the same like people.  I think the best thing is that I can see the people that are smiling!  I can see their faces! The employees at the Alamo are so happy to help you, they are happy to be working, they are happy to be there.  That shows.  And if they're happy, then I am happy.  If I am happy, then I will spend more money.  See, it all trickles down....😀

We weren't allowed to take photos inside but that was ok by me.  I know that it is pretty hard to maintain such an old building, and the last thing that I want to do is cause them more problems.  Just walking in and seeing the walls, reading about the upkeep of the walls, seeing the individual rooms and how they were used was one of the best days being in Texas.  

It is a huge place.  I guess it would have to be since they had horses to keep back in the day, ammo and cannons, and that sort of stuff.

And even though there were visitors, (not as many as the first time we went), it was a nice and quiet area.  It was chilly and this is why we selected today to go.  The people were quiet, talking among themselves. And even though there were lots of kids, they were quiet and keeping with their parents.  No running and screaming.  It was very nice.

I'm almost positive that this oak tree has been here for hundreds of years.  It was huge!  The things that it saw!

If you click on the photo, you can read the signs.

The Alamo in 1836.  I have always thought that this was supposed to be my time.  I would have loved to be alive during 1836. 

Even though from the outside it looks like the church is two stories high, once inside it is only one.  It tells you inside what happened to the second story, and if I would have remembered what it said, I would tell you.  

So this little water way was around the Alamo.  The Khoi in this water are 3 feet long!  They are huge!

Outside the Alamo, we decided to walk to the River Walk.  This was a store on the way.  Some t-shirts are tacky.  I will leave it up to you to read.

The river walk was a huge disappointment!  All it is are thousands of restaurants down one side and up the other.  Sure you can walk.  But that is all.  We weren't all that hungry so we walked a ways, crossed over the bridge and walked back.

I'm not sure what I expected but not this.  Maybe people skipping, kids playing, maybe even some singing in the back ground, the sound of music comes to mind.

But there was none of that.  Just ducks once in a while swimming by, hostesses standing by to take you to a seat to order some food, and there was no singing.  I mean, where are the cowboys?  Even a singing cowboy would have been nice!  I would have loved to see the river walk back in the day.  But I think it has been ruined by all the restaurants on each side of the river.  The atmosphere is probably different at 9 pm but who in the heck stays up that long?

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