Tuesday, March 15, 2022

New Car?


No!!!!  Oh gosh no!!!  Not a new car!!!  We were on our way to HEB and our truck started having problems.  Road Hog has the ford app and it told us that we were having drive train issues and to take it right to the shop.  So that is what we did.  In exchange, we received this little tin can.  We started laughing when Road Hog started to drive it.

Have you ever seen a knob to turn it to drive?  I felt so silly in such a tiny little car.  Is anyone looking at us?  😂. We had to stop at the alcohol store to pick up some drinks.  I think it will be needed tonight.  We bought so much that instead of bagging it, they boxed it.  😁

Our truck is under warranty, and we were pretty impressed that the ford dealership took it right in.  Check out is tomorrow, and we just got word that the truck is having transmission issues and won't be fixed until Thursday, maybe!  They have to order the parts.  Now what?  Our reservations are up tomorrow, and the KOA is packed.  They did find us a place to boondock.....come on!  We have solar!  We will empty all the tanks in the morning, fill up our water tank and rough it!  😁. And for those with the burning question of can I still watch TV when we boondock?  Yes, yes I can.  (Dwayne, I bet you feel such relief!) 😂

Now, how to move our house?  Road Hog is going to run in and get the truck so we can use it to move our house tomorrow.  Then the truck goes back to Ford to get worked on.  Easy peasy.  We will either be leaving San Angelo Thursday evening, or Friday morning.  Palms of Paradise RV in Gardendale, near Odessa, now knows that we will be arriving later than Wednesday, and everything is fine.  They are expecting us when the truck is fixed!  I'm pretty sure I'm shocked at not feeling panicky.  Why should I?  We have our house, it is stocked with food, and I have my animals.  And, we are all fine.  Things happen, even if it is a new truck, and we really aren't on any schedule.  Well, I kind of wanted to see Aunt Jackie tomorrow, but as long as she knows that we are safe, she's happy.

This doesn't look at all right does it?  Eww!  I just don't think the car goes with our home!  Do you know who else is unhappy?

If you guessed Ethel Louise, then you were right!  Look at that grumpy face!  She wasn't happy when she looked out the door and saw the tin can!

On Tully's walk, we spied a kitty that was the same color as the table, chairs and fence.  A calico.  She was so pretty but kind of standoffish.  I don't think she was used to my huge pup!  (Even though the cat was bigger than Tully.)

Now on to story time.  We had a couple pull up beside here at our camp ground.  Very nice couple.  Road Hog calls to me in the house and asked my what my grandpa's name was.  I go outside and this man told me that he used to work at the Amarillo Police Dept.  I told him my papa's name was Emery Oliver, but went by Jack.  The man said yes, Jack Deaver!  I knew him!  He was the captain!  The photo above is my papa Deaver and my granny.  He was captain of the police dept in Amarillo, came home one night and had a heart attack.  All of those years fighting crime, and he had a heart attack.  Talking to our neighbor gave me goosebumps!  My papa died in 1968, so many moons ago.  And this story isn't finished. I hope.  I want to know what our neighbor did at the police dept, and what does he remember about papa.  So, to be continued.  I was so excited about this, I had to call my Aunt Jackie and my sister.  Papa Deaver was my dad, and my Aunt Jackies dad.  My dad passed away in 1997, so all I have left from the Deaver side is my Aunt Jackie.  Well, and all my cousins, and don't forget my siblings!  😁

Note:  I have talked again with our neighbor.  He was a police officer with the Amarillo Police Department for over 40 years.  He knew papa even before papa became captain.  Our neighbor is 78 years old and such a great guy to talk to!  So, even though we have problems with our truck, it was an awesome day today!  I will never forget it.

1 comment:

  1. so is Roadhog included in the "and I have my animals" - I assume so as there is no other mention of the guy
