Thursday, March 17, 2022

Good News!


Have you ever had dragon fruit?  I normally don't buy it because it is so expensive.  But we were in HEB the other day and the fruit was the cheapest I have ever seen it.  We had it with honey mango for breakfast.  Such a nice change of pace.  

I found this outside this morning.  It is huge!  I have an app on my phone that tells me what kind of bug it is....

The top is my photo and the bottom is what is in my app.  It is called a white lined sphinx.  If you look at the photo, you can kind of tell that its wings are covering up its body.  It has a huge body.

I touched it so it would fly away and it flew off fast just like a hummingbird!  The body was just as big as a hummingbird too.  Talked about being shocked!  🤯

We got a phone call this afternoon!  Guess who made it home?  I'm so glad!  I wanted to pack up and travel 2 hours to Odessa, but then we received a high wind warning.  What is it with Texas and high winds?  Do you know that we haven't even been able to put our awnings out because of the Texas winds?

Hopefully the winds will have died down when we pack up and travel in the morning.  I cannot wait!!!

Here is our travel map for the morning.  Since we are on our way north, we try not to take the same path as when we came down.  Road Hog does the mapping, I'm the copilot.  And just FYI, the copilot has a lot to say!  😮

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