Monday, December 27, 2021

Shrimp Boat Manny's

On Christmas Day we took a little drive around Lake Livingston.

Lake Livingston is the 2nd largest lake in Texas.  It's huge!  And pretty!  There is room to breathe, and there isn't houses that clog up the lakeside.  There are places to fish, and to play.  And still not a lot of people. 

 I started Christmas dinner when we got back home - game hen, stuffing, carrots, potatoes, rolls and fresh pecan pie.  We could have cooked something bigger than a game hen but it would have been too much for us.  Game hens are just the right size!

These next couple of photos are of Ethel Louise.  The photo above is when she is on window watch.  She takes her job very seriously.  For a cat.  

This photo is of Ethel doing her yoga exercises...left back leg under the chin move.  In fact, in yoga, that is the actual name.  Left back leg under chin.  Do it.  See how flexible you are.

We have been looking for another place to move to.  After riding around town this afternoon, we stopped here for dinner to go.  Shrimp Boat Manny's.  Seafood gumbo, red beans and rice, cat fish, Mac and cheese and boudin balls.  So far, this was the best cat fish and boudin balls that I have ever had.  Excellent!  Road Hog wasn't too keen on the gumbo but loved the cat fish.

And the restaurant was giving away crosses!  I didn't take one because I don't have a yard.  But how cool was that?  They look homemade too.  So, if you ever stop in Livingston, stop by Shrimp Boat Manny's and have some cat fish and gumbo, and pick yourself up a cross!

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