Sunday, January 9, 2022

Tornado's and Teeth!!!

We had a tornado watch last night!  I guess there was a lot of damage done, but not here at the park.  We had so much rain!  Probably more than Washington.

This is the little grassy area outside our door.  The place where I have circled is where the flooding is.  Now, before you start complaining about not a whole lot of water, this is Tullys bathroom and she had to go somewhere else to pee.  Poor thing.  According to the news, a lot of trees came down and damaged houses and vehicles.  So, we left the PNW, missed all the rain and floods, and moved down to Texas to tornados!  Time to get out of Texas! 

Here is our grandson Murphy.  He lost his first tooth!  I told him and his mom the story of either his Uncle Michael, or his mom Angela, swallowed a tooth and had to write a note to the tooth fairy explaining what happened.  What happens?  Murphy swallows his tooth!  So he sat down and wrote a letter.

It's pretty hard to read but this is what it says:

Dear Tooth Fairy

I swallowed my tooth.  Whoops.  Murphy.

I guess the tooth fairy found Murphy and left some one dollar coins for him!  Thade, Murphy's pup, who is about 15 years old, has been losing his teeth too.  I think Murphy could be making big bucks putting Thade's teeth under Murphy's pillow!

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