Monday, August 22, 2022

Umatilla Oregon!


Today was traveling day! Why does it seem like it has been forever since we have been on the road?  The route we traveled took us through the gorge.  It was a brand new area for me.  It was gorgeous!  And I got a picture of Mount Hood!

It was pretty hot here by the time we got set up.  100 degrees.  No thank you!  Come on fall! 😎

We do have lots of room and some shade.

But even so, we are using all three air conditioners!

Our door faces the marina and the water. Our starlink is out in the grass, facing north.  It connected without any problems.  We even kept our modem in the basement because why not?  Right past the satellite there is about a 20 foot drop off, then the marina parking lot.  Lots of grass for Tully.  But who wants all of this grass when it is too hot to even sit outside? 🔥☀️

We also have the view of interstate 82.  All in all a very nice campground!

We will do a bit of exploring tomorrow and Wednesday, then on Thursday we will hit the road to Wolf Lodge in Couer d’Alene. 

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