The other day, we went into Bandera to look around. It is such a cute little cowboy town.
It is also a great dog town. Tully was invited in to all the stores, and people would just come up to her, start petting her, and talk about their dogs. Tully takes it all in stride. She doesn’t bark, and just sits in my arms while she gets petted.
One store that we went in to, Tully didn’t feel too comfortable. The owner was showing some whips to a customer, and whipping those whips sounded just like a gun shot. Road Hog has been looking for some boots, found a couple of pairs, and we will go back once he has decided what pair.
A gnarly tree in town.
No, I didn’t buy this.
We had to stop by and buy some pickles. Best pickles ever! If you need some, let me know before we leave in a couple of months. We will be back to get more, one jar just isn’t enough.
We had a couple of deer near us. There were more than this, but they were shy and hiding near the trees.
It seems as if Road Hog is still suffering from his UTI. He made an appointment at the walk in clinic in Bandera, and come to find out he was given the incorrect medication! So the doc put him on some new meds and already he is feeling better. Now, here is some advice….if you visit Texas, and get sick, and go to a walk in clinic, you have to make sure that you make the doctor understand that you don’t work in the oil fields and live in a man camp! Most of these men that go to these walk in clinics are dealing with STD’s! That is why Road Hog wasn’t getting better! But, now that little bit has been straightened out, he is being treated for an actual UTI, and feeling great. What can one do but laugh? Well, I’m laughing, but Road Hog not so much! 😂
On Thursday, we will be getting some very cold weather. Lows will be in the teens. The camp is getting ready, making sure all the water faucets are wrapped. At least we won’t be running the air for Christmas!