Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Beautiful Day!


How gorgeous is this sunrise?  And by looking at this, I knew we would be in for a beautiful day!

It was such a nice day that RH (Road Hog) started the barbecue up so he could cook some baby backs. And while he did that, he took the Christmas lights down, and I packed away the little tree and decorations…until next year.

We got up to 69 degrees today and tonight’s low will be 54.  Hello summer winter!  It seemed as if we hit spring today!  One day we have our heat on, the next day, the air conditioner.  Texas weather!  Thank goodness we aren’t in the PNW where the towns are being flooded! No thank you!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Merry Christmas!


Here comes Road Hog walking Tully back from the dog park.  We have been having some cold weather at night, but it warms up so nice during the day.  Warm enough where we can have the windows and door open.

This is a Christmas Eve sunset.

We had a great Christmas!  I cooked a turkey breast, along with all the sides, and it turned out great.

My little bug-eyed beauty.  She wanted to go shopping with us today, but she instead, stayed home and babysat the cats.  She loves being the boss!

Tonight’s sunset and the reflection off our home.

Another view of tonight’s sunset.  Beautiful Texas!

Our lowest temperature was 13 degrees.  Our heated hose froze because the spigot was frozen.  And the spigot was wrapped! No worries though!  When we know that it will below 32, we make sure we have a full fresh water tank, and we unhook the water.  I think last night was the last of the freezing weather.  We are supposed to be in the 70’s starting Thursday, with lows in the 40’s.  Perfect! Barbecue weather!

Friday, December 23, 2022



It was Lucy’s turn to enjoy her present.  She didn’t do much, but then again I didn’t freshen it up with catnip.

And it looks like Ethel took care of all the catnip.  

My little Tully bug.  She isn’t too fond of the cold weather.  Her walky walks aren’t very long! She gets the chihuahua shakes right away, no matter what she is wearing.

We had a high of 33 today!  But let me tell you, it got down to 13 degrees last night.  We would have been fine, except the power went out at 2:30 am!  Not just us but to thousands of people here in this county. In fact, a lot of people lost power all over.  So, what froze? Our heated hose froze.  Power didn’t come back on until about noon, but since we have solar, we still were able to function.  We turned the water off outside, we have a full fresh tank, and so really, water isn’t a problem.  We have the tank heaters on, and no problems when we emptied the gray tank.  So I think we had enough battery power to keep everything in working order.  Well, except for the heated hose.  We have our regular hose in the basement which is heated, so we will use that to fill up tomorrow.  We will be in cold weather until next Wednesday, then it starts moving up to the 70’s!  So far, we have had no problems with condensation, and we have double pane windows to thank for that. All in all, I think we did pretty good!  I hope everyone is staying warm! Gene, I hope you have the wood stove blasting out the heat! I kind of wish I was sitting in front of it right now, but our electric fireplace is putting out some heat too! 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Cold Weather Has Arrived!


We have had our share of deer!  If they happen to see us, they stop with whatever they’re doing, and just stare.  They are the cutest!

Here is another sunrise photo.  I get up at six so I’m able to view them…unlike some people I know! 😂

Tully is watching the cold weather hit.  We had a high today of 62 degrees, and within a couple of hours, the wind came and we are already down to 30.  Windchill is 16 degrees.  And it is only 4:30 pm!  They are saying it will get to 15 tonight.  Our heat pump doesn’t work in those cold temps, but we have plenty of propane, and our fireplace is set to 75 degrees. 

Ethel Louise and Lucy got to open their Christmas present early.  And it came with some catnip.  Both cats went kind of crazy with it, but now Ethel has claimed it. See the wild look in her eyes? 😁  

3 more days until Christmas! We have all our shopping done and plan to hole up here at home until this cold weather blows through!

Monday, December 19, 2022

Getting Ready For Some Cold Weather!


The other day, we went into Bandera to look around.  It is such a cute little cowboy town.

It is also a great dog town.  Tully was invited in to all the stores, and people would just come up to her, start petting her, and talk about their dogs.  Tully takes it all in stride.  She doesn’t bark, and just sits in my arms while she gets petted.

One store that we went in to, Tully didn’t feel too comfortable.  The owner was showing some whips to a customer, and whipping those whips sounded just like a gun shot.  Road Hog has been looking for some boots, found a couple of pairs, and we will go back once he has decided what pair.

A gnarly tree in town.

No, I didn’t buy this.

We had to stop by and buy some pickles.  Best pickles ever!  If you need some, let me know before we leave in a couple of months.  We will be back to get more, one jar just isn’t enough.

We had a couple of deer near us.  There were more than this, but they were shy and hiding near the trees.

It seems as if Road Hog is still suffering from his UTI. He made an appointment at the walk in clinic in Bandera, and come to find out he was given the incorrect medication! So the doc put him on some new meds and already he is feeling better.  Now, here is some advice….if you visit Texas, and get sick, and go to a walk in clinic, you have to make sure that you make the doctor understand that you don’t work in the oil fields and live in a man camp! Most of these men that go to these walk in clinics are dealing with STD’s!  That is why Road Hog wasn’t getting better! But, now that little bit has been straightened out, he is being treated for an actual UTI, and feeling great.  What can one do but laugh?  Well, I’m laughing, but Road Hog not so much! 😂

On Thursday, we will be getting some very cold weather. Lows will be in the teens.  The camp is getting ready, making sure all the water faucets are wrapped. At least we won’t be running the air for Christmas!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Happy Anniversary!!


It has been a while!  Even though we are retired, we are busy! People to see, things to buy, tires to be rotated!

Here is Tully in the above photo visiting the dog park here at Lightning Ranch.

The weather has been great, up in the mid 70’s.  Flowers and roses are still blooming in December.  Mind you, we have chilly weather coming the next five days.

We were supposed to get some stormy weather, but I think San Antonio got the storms and we ended up with some winds.

I love Texas sunsets!
It was our 18 month anniversary 3 days ago being on the road.  What fun we have had!  Our good days out weigh the bad days for sure.  We’ve had our share of bumps in the road, but not enough to hang up the keys…yet.  I think the worst times are ones that involve pets.  Why can’t people take care of their pets?  I have met so many people, and their dogs and cats, and you can tell that most of these pets are treated like they are members of the family.  Guess who we can see from our living room and kitchen windows?  One of our neighbors who leaves his dog tied up all day, without any water, in this Texas heat.  Rules says that your pets cannot be left alone.  But yet this guy goes into his trailer and comes out every once in a while. One day the dog was digging, and the guy comes running out with a belt in his hand, yelling at the dog that he has a camera on him watching him dig that hole.  Road Hog and I saw him beat the dog and that poor thing couldn’t go but as far as his chain would take him. Road Hog immediately jumped in the truck to go talk to the hosts that were working that day.  Word got to the main hosts and to the owners of the park.  The guy was talked to, saying that they had more than one complaint about him and his dog.  They were ordered to move.  This guy has been here 3 years, and to say he and his wife were pissed is a understatement.  They were livid! They wanted to confront us but the hosts didn’t let on who complained.  I heard the guy yelling at the hosts, about why couldn’t people mind their own business.  He is a big bully.  So, this is what we had to deal with shortly after arriving.  I get so mad at people who hurt animals.  I feel like getting a belt and giving him a what for, but I won’t.  It’s a sad state of affairs, and I wish I could save all of these poor animals.  But if I can’t have them, I will gladly be their voice if they are being mistreated.  It doesn’t happen a lot.  Most of the people that we meet, their animals are right there with them to be introduced to me, Road Hog and Tully.  And how we all have that one thing in common, our love for our pets. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022



God Bless Texas!

We had to go into Boerne yesterday to pick up a prescription and to do a little shopping.  When I see the word Boerne, my brain thinks ‘born’.  But no, it isn’t pronounced born.  It is pronounced‘Bernie’.  Boerne doesn’t even look like Bernie! The story of my life…

Here is what we paid for diesel yesterday.  Even gas is lower than what I’ve seen.

God Bless Texas!

We are expecting rain later on tonight. The weather here has been in the mid 70’s, but only about 64 at night, which I’m not fond of.  If it would just cool down 10 more degrees, I would be happy.  It doesn’t even seem like we are in the month of December!

If you look at our trailer at night, it does look like December.  Road Hog put lights on the bottom of our home.  Doesn’t it look cheerful?  

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Pipe Creek, Texas


We left San Angelo about 9:45. We had an uneventful trip! Well, almost! Details further down…

It was a gorgeous day of driving. The clouds were awesome.

And you notice just how flat some of Texas is.

Mind you, this isn’t snow! It is cotton fields.

I haven’t seen these prices in a while!

God Bless America! 🇺🇸

Here is our set up. We got parked, Road Hog shut the truck off so we could unhitch, and his knee went out!  It took a while before he could walk, so I just followed his orders directions, and was able to move the truck, and start setting up.  He is still walking with a limp, but feeling better. Other than that, the trip was uneventful!

I took Tully to the dog park and saw our rig in the distance.  The rv park used to be farm land and they have quite the set up. They have 45 sites, and they are adding 45 more, plus another dog park.  There is plenty of room! 70 acres to play! And to hike! Well, for some of us!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I caught Ethel Louise playing with one of my gnomes leg, but since she has to get up there to eat, I forgave her.

We watched the moon move tonight. I can’t believe how fast it moves.  And it is nice that we don’t have any light pollution, that we are able to see the moon and stars.

This moon is called ‘Cold Moon’.  This is the final full moon of 2022.

The moon was full and bright!